5 Landscape Lighting Design Tips for Commercial Properties

Landscape lighting can drastically improve your property’s safety, security, and visual appeal.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, people are spending more time outdoors after dark. If you own a commercial property, such as a restaurant, lounge, or cafe, you know how important it is to create a welcoming environment for your customers. Your outdoor lighting can drastically improve your property’s safety, security, and visual appeal. When done correctly, the proper lighting can offer several benefits, such as enhancing your professionalism and aiding guests in navigating through otherwise hard-to-see conditions. Keep reading for some creative landscape lighting tips for your commercial space.
Illuminate Walking Paths for Safety
After sunset, it is more difficult for visitors to see sidewalks, paths, and steps. Not only might someone accidentally walk off and step on your beautifully maintained landscaping, but more importantly, they could injure themselves. Even slight dips or cracks in your path can be missed, resulting in a twisted ankle. Other trip and fall accidents could lead to more serious injuries.
Use Lighting to Highlight Parts of Your Property
Take some time to consider what you want the lighting to highlight about your property. What do you want the building to stand for? Does your message carry through once it gets dark? With the help of adequately arranged landscape lighting, you can ensure focal points are always in sight day and night. Whether your key focal point is a waterfall, statue, or sign, anything can be highlighted with landscape lighting.
Showcase Your Greenery and Signage
You likely have invested a lot of time and money into curating an attractive landscape design for customers. So, you should show off your flowers, shrubs, and trees with some accent lighting. These gently highlighted areas can effectively increase your curb appeal from afar and accentuate your beautiful landscaping for late-night guests. Even if your business isn’t open after dark, it’s always good to illuminate your signage, acting as an advertisement around the clock.
Install Lighting for Security
Lighting deters criminals since they can’t easily hide in the shadows. That means fewer break-ins, less vandalism, and improved safety for your visitors. When you light the foundations of buildings and the buildings themselves, they’re not inviting to those who want to do damage.
Professional commercial landscape lighting design offers an attractive wash of illumination instead of harsh spotlights while offering security and aesthetic appeal.
Contact the Professionals
Whether your property is commercial or residential, Sposato Irrigation can provide you with a landscape lighting solution that fits your style and your budget. Our team of lighting designers and installation professionals will help you design something that meets all of your needs. Reach out today to learn more.
Choose Sposato Irrigation
Sposato Irrigation is uniquely positioned to offer high-quality, affordable, and reliable irrigation services to homeowners and business owners in Sussex County, Milton, Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millsboro, Dagsboro, and Ocean City, MD. Thanks to our expertise, innovation and decades of professional experience, we can meet the needs of large properties and small gardens. To learn more about our irrigation installation, LED landscape lighting, and commercial irrigation maintenance services, contact us today. We can be reached at 302-645-4773. Also, check us out on Facebook and Twitter.