Landscape Lighting Repair Basics: Addressing Shorts

Shorts and tripped systems are everyday issues for landscape lighting repair experts, but many homeowners remain in the dark on the subject.
A cohesive, well-designed lighting system can be the icing on the cake that is your yard. Lighting systems that masterfully combine layers of light, sturdy fixtures, and gorgeous foliage can transform a dark and foreboding home into a bright spot in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen without a hitch. Outdoor lighting systems require routine care and occasional repair, and homeowners must work with a team of experienced lighting professionals to ensure that their systems (and repairs) will last. Shorts and tripped systems are everyday issues for landscape lighting repair experts, but many homeowners remain in the dark on the subject. Keep reading to learn some basic information about shorts in landscape lighting systems!
Signs You Might Need Landscape Lighting Repair
Landscape lighting issues aren’t always clear as day; homeowners may not always notice problems as soon as they appear. Lights that don’t turn on are fairly noticeable, but the culprit might be something as subtle as a loose connection or poorly adjusted timer. Faulty fixtures and loose wires don’t always manifest as a system-wide outage, making these problems challenging to detect. Regardless of the scope of the issue, contacting a team of landscape lighting repair professionals is a great first step.
All About Electrical Shorts
Shorts are a common cause of malfunctioning lighting systems, but they can be tricky to pinpoint. A short occurs when electricity jumps from one part of the system to another, also called “arcing.” Arcing can happen in almost any part of a system that has been exposed to moisture, disturbed by tree roots, or otherwise damaged, and a lighting system can have shorts in multiple locations simultaneously. Cut, corroded, frayed, or wet wires can be prone to shorting out, and professional repair is needed to return the entire system to safe and normal function.
Landscape Lighting Repair and Maintenance to Reduce Your Risk
Fortunately, homeowners have a few different tools at their disposal to reduce their risk of struggling with shorts in their outdoor lighting systems. The best approach is to prevent these issues from day one by working with a reputable lighting contractor. High-quality equipment and expert installation can go a long way in preventing future problems. Another way to keep landscape lighting systems safe and functional is to have them maintained and inspected regularly. Whether you’re installing a new outdoor lighting system or are trying to repair an old one, the professionals at Sposato Irrigation are here to help!
Choose Sposato Irrigation
Sposato Irrigation is uniquely positioned to offer high-quality, affordable, and reliable irrigation services to homeowners and business owners in Sussex County, Milton, Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millsboro, Dagsboro, and Ocean City, MD. Thanks to our expertise, innovation and decades of professional experience, we can meet the needs of large properties and small gardens. To learn more about our irrigation installation, LED landscape lighting, and commercial irrigation maintenance services, contact us today. We can be reached at 302-645-4773. Also, check us out on Facebook and Twitter.
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