What Goes Into Irrigation System Start-Up?

Knowing about irrigation system start-up services can help you make more informed choices when hiring landscaping and irrigation professionals.
Although springtime irrigation maintenance is a long way off, it is always beneficial to know what exactly goes into irrigation system start-up services. A surprising number of Delawareans have no clue what goes on with their sprinkler systems after the last threat of frost. Knowing about irrigation system start-up services can help you make more informed choices when hiring landscaping and irrigation professionals. Keep reading to learn more, and do not hesitate to contact the experts at Sposato Irrigation for all of your landscaping needs.
Why is Irrigation System Start-Up Necessary?
In places as cold as Delaware, folks winterize their irrigation systems to prevent them from freezing, bursting, and causing extensive water damage. Irrigation system start-up services, often advertised as part of spring start-up maintenance plans, restore the water that was removed from your irrigation system during winterization. Scheduling seasonal services appropriately is essential, and the professionals at Sposato Irrigation can help you determine the best time to start your sprinkler system back up for the spring. Working with a qualified team for start-up services is crucial: starting your system up too soon can leave you vulnerable to frozen pipes, and starting it too late can leave your landscape parched.
Turning on the Water Supply and Irrigation Controller
The main component of spring start-up services is reintroducing water to the main line of your irrigation system. While some homeowners feel that they can tackle this themselves, restoring water to a dry irrigation system can be much more challenging than one might think. Your irrigation professional will have to restore water to the system, turn your irrigation controller on, and manually turn on each zone. Sprinkler heads and emitters sometimes accumulate dirt and debris over the winter months, so they may have to clear obstructions away to ensure that your system is running correctly.
Inspecting Your System for Malfunctions and Making Adjustments
Once the water has been reintroduced, your irrigation professional’s real work can begin. In addition to manually adjusting sprinkler heads to ensure proper performance and water distribution, your contractor must inspect your system for any malfunctions or signs of damage. Any frozen pipes or cracked components will likely only become evident when your system is activated, so a keen eye for detail is vital. At Sposato Irrigation, we offer spring start-up services that take care of these issues and more. Contact us today and take the first step towards a healthy irrigation system.
Choose Sposato Irrigation
Sposato Irrigation is uniquely positioned to offer high-quality, affordable, and reliable irrigation services to homeowners and business owners in Sussex County, Milton, Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millsboro, Dagsboro, and Ocean City, MD. Thanks to our expertise, innovation and decades of professional experience, we can meet the needs of large properties and small gardens. To learn more about our irrigation installation, LED landscape lighting, and commercial irrigation maintenance services, contact us today. We can be reached at 302-645-4773. Also, check us out on Facebook and Twitter.